Open for the spring season starting mid-April
Open for the spring season starting mid-April
NH Certified Organic growers were recently informed that NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food (NHDAMF) is ending their organic accreditation on June 30, 2024. Unfortunately, NHDAMF will no longer be offering the National Organic Program (NOP) to NH growers.
Read the press release here
This is a huge blow to small NH organic farms across the state, whom will either need to surrender their certificate (such as we recently did), or be required to choose a new accredited certifying agency (located outside the state). Unfortunately, many small NH business growers (such as we) will not be able to continue or transition their certification, due to the exorbitantly high certification and inspection fees involved using outside state agencies.
For nearly a decade Heath’s, small home-based, greenhouse business held their organic plant certification to ensure our new customer base (with oversight) that we indeed grow without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides; and propagate using organic and untreated non-gmo seeds, as well as growing products approved for organic gardening (omri listed).
Heath’s were one of few certified organic greenhouse growers of retail seedlings and fruit stock, in northern NH. Heath‘s Greenhouse have been growing naturally since their inception in 1989, and first became certified organic by the state program in 1994. Later the USDA seized control from the states, and established their own national organic program (NOP), in 2002.
So what has changed here at Heath’s? Nothing, other than we won’t be sending piles of paperwork into the state any longer. We will carry on as we’ve always done. However, we will no longer use organic labels, or the “o” word to market our plants, without certification. We may no longer be accountable to NH Department of Agriculture, but being Stewarts of the land, we are however accountable to our values and you, our customer's.
Feel free to ask growing questions, come view the products we use, and visit our pesticide-free greenhouse, during regular business hours. We highly believe agricultural business transparency is paramount for customer quality assurance. Get to know your local grower, and their values. Thank you for your continued loyalty. We look forward to serving you.
NH department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food (NHDAMF) is ending their organic accreditation on June 30, 2024.
NHDAMF will no longer be offering the National Organic Program (NOP) to NH growers. Click link below to read the press release.
Copyright © 2018 Heath's Greenhouse, Nursery & Farm - All Rights Reserved.