Open for the spring season starting mid-April
Open for the spring season starting mid-April
Nature’s Control - One Million Live Nematodes $26/ea
(covers up to 3,000 sq ft)
Ideal for lawns, gardens, and orchards. Contains Steinermematid & Heterohabditatid species.
Available for local pick up. Shipping not available. Call to order, or send us an email order request.
Nature’s Control - Six Million Predatory Nematodes $56/ea
(covers up to 18,000 sq ft)
Ideal for lawns, gardens, and orchards. Contains Steinermematid & Heterohabditatid species.
Available for local pick up. Shipping not available. Call to order, or send us an email order request
Nature’s Control - One Million Guardian/Gnat Patrol Nematodes $26/ea
(covers up to 3,000 sq ft)
Ideal for both indoor and outdoor growing environments. Contains Steinermematid & Heterohabditatid species.
Available for local pick up. Shipping not available. Call to order, or send us an email order request.
Best broad spectrum beneficial pest control for Grubs (Japanese Beetle larvae), Fungus Gnats, Fleas, Ticks, Cabbage Loopers, Squash Bugs, Colorado Potato Beetle, and over 200+ Soil dwelling pests.
Beneficial Predatory Nematodes are naturally-occurring, microscopic organisms found in soil around the world. They mainly parasitize insect pests that have soil dwelling larval or pupal stages (although they have been known to parasitize above ground stages of certain pests).
Their wide range of prey makes them exceptional for general integrated pest management, in chemical/pesticide-free growing environments. Approved for organic gardening.
See directions below, and a long list of common pests they control. Release nematodes into water to make a nematode concentrate, further dilute it, and apply using a watering can.
Available for order June-August 2023
CALL TO ORDER 603.823.8500
or send us an email order request
Banded Cucumber Beetle, Bark Beetle, Click Beetle, Colorado Potato Beetle, Checkered Beetle, Flea Beetle, Japanese Beetle, June Beetle, Leaf Beetle, Mexican Bean Beetle, Pine Beetle, Powder Post Beetle, Scarab Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, White Fringed Beetle
European Corn Borer, Onion Borer, Round Headed Borer, Wood Borer
Field Cricket, Morman Cricket
Carpenter Moth, Codling Moth, Gypsy Moth, Meal Moth, Oriental Fruit Moth, Pine Tip Moth, Winter Moth
Black Fly, Crane Fly, Fruit Fly, Saw Fly
Banana Root Weevil, Boll Weevil, Cane Weevil, Corn Root Weevil, Pecan Weevil, Pine Weevil, Rice Weevil, Strawberry Root Weevil
Army Worms, Cabbage Worm, Corn Earworms, Cutworms, Fall Army Worm, Hornworm, Meal Worm, Measuring Worm (Loopers), Melon Worm, Pink Bollworm, Potato Tubeworm, Sod Webworm, Southern Rootworm, Spruce Budworm, Tobacco Budworm, Tobacco Hornworm, Webworms, Wireworms
Algae Gnats, Apple Leaf Roller, Assassin Bugs, Bean Leaf Roller, Billbugs, Cabbage Aphid, Cabbage Looper, Chinch Bugs, Cotton Stainer, Fungus Gnats, Gall Midges, Gall Gnats, German Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Imported Fire Ants, Lacewings, Leaf Skeletonizer, Leather Jackets, Pear Aphids, Red Bugs, Seed Corn Maggot, Squash Bugs, Sting Bugs, Termite, Thrips, White Grubs, Yellow Fever Mosquito
You will need a water bucket (at least one gallon), and a 1 or 2 gallon watering can. make your “nematode concentrate“, by releasing them into your water bucket. Fitst, fill water bucket 3/4 full with cool water, remove blue sponge from plastic wraper (sponge contains live microscopic nematodes), soak sponge snd stir for approx. 15 minutes to release them into the water, gently rinse and ring out sponge into bucket. Now you have your concentrate.
Sources include: Nature’s Control, Arbico Organics, UNH Extension
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